I decided to write my last blog for this year 2013 by reflecting on some of the things which I believed either I shouldn't have done or I've done it in the wrong way. Like the way I might have handled my career path; disciplining my only son; financial matters in the business; being anti-social once in a while (I have less dinner or night out with my girls this year compared to last year); and even my social media relationship. Therefore, if we make reflections over the years it's just prominent that we also make now a listing of the things we ought and decided with whole heart and full will to do and to follow to be able to accomplish what's in My Bucketlist for the year 2014.:
Let's start with the 10th Resolution in My Bucketlist. This quote is indeed so true as people usually drained themselves thinking, sorting things out which in the long run they don't really have the power to control. But.... The only thing we have power on is ourselves. The way we will react to every situation laid in front of us.
9th Resolution - I will not concern myself anymore what other people will say. Specially if their comments are mainly coming out from their "green-eyed" monster. Last year of 2013 I would usually concern what other people will say or even feel. But then, tables turned it's their turn to speak or concern if they are hurting other people (like me), I saw that they're not even sensitive enough to my feelings. So I thought, "Oh.., I've been so concern about not hurting them in the past on what I might have done or said....but here she is....so insensitive and self-centered.
This 2014, I'll just BE ME.
8th Resolution - too much of saying "Why me, why me..?!"
Specially with a colleague who have this "crab mentality".
Well here's for you now...."TRY ME!" :)
7th Resolution - I'll make this short. I promise myself to make my long long "dream baby" - a new business, that's what I mean!
6th- I've been long wanting to learn how to bake and eventually have my own bake shop. This year 2014, I promise myself to give my heart's delight by fulfilling this dream. Kiddos! Wish me luck! :)
5th Resolution - a quote very we'll said by Buddha.
Worry is one of the culprit that pops up inside my mind every once in a while.
But this year, I decided to make it powerless and eventually throw it on the trash.
I've been doing my daily physical exercise, keeping track of my weight scale and minding my eating habits. I believe this mantra of the great Buddha works hand in hand with my current healthy lifestyle. :)
4th Resolution - uhmmmm...., this quote makes me smile! As I thought.....time to make a wish! Or literally, what should I ask for..?! What is it that I've been wanting but I'm not receiving because in the first place I didn't ask for it! This saying is very true my dear bloggers. I remember a situation in the office wherein I wouldn't be getting this "new thing" had I not asked for it insisting I deserved that after a long wait and that I can be more productive using and working with it more than giving me an old crap. And the ambassador got my point! :)
In Jesus term: "Ask and you shall received; knock and the door will be open unto you."
3rd Resolution - let's include what the late Paul Walker quoted:
Sometimes all that really and should matter in our life is Family. How are they, if they are okay, fine, healthy and happy. Everything else just follows. Even if you'll get all riches in the world but your family is not beside you for you to share all this richness.....I assure you, you'll feel so lonely and you'll be nothing but a loser.
2nd Resolution - this is just a modern version of what Christ has been teaching us - to: "Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you." Even if we don't agree on certain things with our colleague in the office (even if she's the most _____hole you met in your entire life).... Still, still be kind to her. Because what that person is doing you wrong is a statement of herself and not you. Besides our haters got crazier when they see that despite everything they fault on us, we're still kind, sweet and happy!!!! :)
1st Resolution - as always we should put this thing on top of our list! Or else we cannot do what the rest in My Bucketlist.
This saying is a reminder that karma still works. Relative to no. 2, we should keep in mind that what goes around, goes around like a boomerang. Besides this is what the world needs in the real essence of healing the world. Let's heal this world with kindness, truthfulness, honesty and with love.
There you go my dear bloggers. I hope I will be able to open up a little if not the whole of your two eyes in this little reflections we did over the year of 2013.